On Monday 1st June at 2pm (BST), DirectID present the webinar 'Creating Sustenance for Underwriters with Real-Time Data'.
The recent halt to the economy is significantly impacting the lending sector, and it is no longer possible for Underwriters to rely on aged CRA data to make affordability assessments.
The data attained from Bureaus offers an entirely retrospective view on an individual’s finances and offers very little insight into their current circumstances, recent loss of income due to Covid-19, or realistic repayment potential.
To adequately process the increase in applications and to satisfy the need to identify recent changes in income, Underwriters must take a data-driven approach to affordability assessment.
In this webinar we will cover:
- The current challenges lenders are facing as a result of the halted economy
- Alleviating pressure on Underwriting teams that are dealing with an increase in applications
- Creating sustenance for Underwriters with real-time data
- The future of the lending sector